Kundali Match
Date Of Birth (Boy):
Date Of Birth (Girl):

Kundali & Horoscope Matching with Guna Milan Compatibility

# Details of Girl Details of Boy
Date Of Birth 19 September 2024 19 September 2024
Nakshatra Name Revati Revati
Nakshatra Pada 2 2
Nakshatra Lord Mercury Mercury
Rasi Name Meena Meena
Rasi Lord Jupiter (Mars) Jupiter (Venus)

Guna Milan Details

# Guna Girl Boy
1 Varna Koot Brahmin Brahmin
2 Vasya Koot Jalachara Jalachara
3 Tara Koot Revati Revati
4 Yoni Koot Gaja Gaja
5 Graha Maitri Koot Jupiter Jupiter
6 Gana Koot Devata Devata
7 Bhakoot Koot Meena Meena
8 Nadi Koot Antya Antya
Total Guna Milan Points : 28 36

Guna Milan Details

Description Type: bad
Description Message : bad / Union is not recommended due to the presence of Nadi Maha Dosha. Since Gun Milan Nadi Koot is given supreme priority during match making. The Boy and Girl are not affected by Mangal Dosha

Vadik Puja

Rudrabhishek Puja Rudra is another name of Lord Shiva. Just like Mahadev, Shankar, Bhole Nath Shivay and so on, Rudra is extremely famous as...

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